Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Moving on In...

Dear Avid Readers. Well, it happened. Yours Truly is now officially co-habitating. Although the day did have its trying moments, all in all, it wasn't a total disaster. Yours Truly had booked the movers for 11 am on Monday morning. At noon they called and moved it back to 2pm. We took it as a sign and headed to the West Village (Thompson Cafe) and ingested some yummy smoothies and salad. When 5pm rolled around and the movers still had not showed up we were starting to have the beginning stages of panick. Well, Yours Truly took it upon herself to call another set of movers, well this new guy was great and worked around our schedule; however, he only went curb to curb which meant we (Yours Truly, the boy, and the boys brother) ended up moving the furniture and boxes ourselves. It was brutal. With that being said, besides some minor cuts and bruising to the boy everything else went smoothly. As a treat to ourselves after a late, and strenuous, move, we headed to the neighborhood bar, Chevy's and gorged ourselves on tex-mex.

The next day I took another day off to get the apartment settled as Yours Truly already had much furniture without anything additional from the Boys.

***side note, for those Dear Avid Readers who are not aware, The Boy's brother is also moving in as he just recently graduated and needed a place to live****

I finally got everything in its place and the apartment actually looked semi-decent when the boys came home and informed me that there were still about 5 more trips worth of 'stuff' they were brining over. At that point I looked at my newly cleaned and decorated castle and thought, "no...more stuff? Why Me, this leads to the point of this posting...

The Dairy of a Co-habitating Yours Truly

As some of you may know Paris did a lot of writing and thinking while she was in prison. Not only did she respond to fan mail...

but beyond these misspelled and ridiculously 6th grade handwriting she also wrote her trials and tribulations in her Prison Diaries. Now, Yours Truly rarely likes to learn or take from Paris, but I do like that she documented her trying few days in prison. Therefore, I will be posting (frequently or not, depending on what the situation calls for, Yours Truly's own....

Diaries of a Co-Habitator

to let you, my dear avid readers, in on the inner workings of a compromising "couple"

Dear Diary,

Day 1: I was totally looking forward to some Top Chef and Beaujolais tonight. I had the candles lit and a Nicoise salad all ready to go when the boy came in. Talk about totally invading my private space. Did he not watch Dirty Dancing? I mean, my space, his space. Anyways, before I could even make my first slice into my beautifully rare piece of tuna my beloved Tom Colicchio's face was brutally ripped away from me and the face of Glenn Dorsey came up as my television and living turned from an oasis to Kinnick Stadium. To show how yours truly has learned to compromise rather than throwing a tantrum, Yours Truly picked up a remote and attempted to learn how to play NCAA 08 on Playstation 3. What Yours Truly learned was that I may have a hidden talent in pressing random bottons as Yours Truly played fantastically well for never having played.

That's it for now dear avid readers. More later.

1 comment:

Michael & May said...

That sucks --I hate moving