Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Forgotten Birthday

Dear Avid Readers...first things first. I have no idea how to rid myself of this obnoxious underlining. Second of all, I have forgotten (in my latest mad rage of work) to post a shout out to Michael's Birthday. He is not only a dear avid reader but also a blood relative....my bro in fact. Through the years we've had good times and not so good times.
Good time...(underlining is gone!!!) He flew all the way in from Chicago to help me celebrate my birthday. It was awesome to not only have friends but family there to help me turn 3.0.
Bad times....he decided to become b.f.f.'s with all my friends and I am pretty sure they ended loving him as much as they loved me!
Good times....He never once got lost because for once NO ONE depended on him to get us anywhere and he could just follow other people around.

Bad times....because of his triglycerides he HAD to eat healthy food like Turkey and Brie sandwich with a salad instead of fries. (why is that bad you might ask) well he would order a gross salad and munch on everyone else's fries :)
Good Times....it's awesome to get older and older and become better and better friends. I mean most times than not when I call to "bond" with him he passes the phone on to his wife, which I actually count on as a confidant, but I am hoping to one day break the 15 minute barrier with him where he actually can stay on the phone for more than 15 minutes before I begin feeling the "pressure" to cut it short!
Bad Times....knowing that everyday he is leaving his house with this ridiculous, obnoxious, furry thing of a mustache that makes me cringe when have to think of my cute and wonderful sister-in-law kissing....


Jeff said...

I'm sorry, did I give you permission to steal pictures from my blog?

May Yang-Lee Photography said...

hmmm...now you get mustache lover folks claiming pictures of michael's mustache....good times 0 vs 1 bad times. The bad times are adding up.

Anonymous said...

no, but that's the great thing about blogs...it's there for the world! sucka'


Michelle said...

Agreed - if Jeff doesn't want his pics stolen he shouldn't post 'em.

Anonymous said...

man, your brother looks like a little hottie...please pass my number to him...i said hollers

Anonymous said...


i would love that hairy mustache on my lips...i said hollers

Michelle said...

wow, Brad Pitt uses the phrase "i said hollers??!!" ....i SAID HOLLERS!!

Anonymous said...

It's bad enough you have a mustache, but to also know that you have a mustache AND a man-crush on brad pitt is just too much.


1dorislee said...

It is amazing how one mustache can create such commenting!