Saturday, June 30, 2007

Pop Post III - The Shout Outs

Good morning Dear Avid Reader,

As most of Yours Truly's Shout Outs disappeared with the blog itself, I wanted to do a Pop Post Shout of to the my Avid Commenters. (Yes, I know it's a form of positive re-inforcement) but here are my ladies of comment:

Miss Meg's. Thanks for reminding me of the Red, Red Wine

My Michelle, the first to cast her vote for the big 3-0

And last but not least, my favoritest sister in law Miss May. Who IS Yours Truly's most avid follower/commenter. Also, the on ewho taught me the importance of Shout Outs!

Thank you ladies for making my rantings and ravings worthwhile.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful Sunday surprise to have a shout out! I think you're the cutest most fun girl ever and we will definitely party it up red red wine style on your birthday!

Anonymous said...

did you choose a theme yet D?? =)