Monday, May 12, 2008

O.M.G. What has Taiwan done?

Dear Avid Readers,
As some of you may know my little brother graduated from college and immediately packed his bags for a little country known as Taiwan in pursuit of work, love, and apparently a new haircut. As I was searching for my dear brother via the mass pictures of Facebook, I realized I couldn't find him. I scoured page after page of ALL my friends but he was nowhere to be found. Getting a bit worried I immediately turned to his lady friend's page to see where he was. What I found instead was...... Zac Chang (see below)

Now my mother and I both stared and stared at Zac Chang for a solid 25 minutes wondering if that was indeed my brother and her son. I mean:
1. Chin Hair - Yes
2. Flairing Nostrils - Yes
3. Wearing White Pre Memorial Day - Yes

1. Gold Jewelry - No
2. ManBowl Haircut - No
3. Zac Chang - No

Therefore it was truly hard to tell who this man was. Is it my beloved brother (see below)
I mean it's just so creepily similar that it's hard to tell!


Jeff said...

HAHAHAHAHA. I'm pretty sure of two things:

1. That is not Robot.

2. I have a new outfit/hairdo picked out for my wedding. (or any day, for that matter)

Michelle said...

wow...i think that IS robert!!


May Yang-Lee Photography said...

Oh poor wonder he never posts or put recent pictures of himself, he even changed his name....oh zac...we miss you...come back home....

1dorislee said...

I know right? I mean you have to admit that even though it's not Robot there is a creepy resemblence to Robot...I mean no ones seen him in months...a lot could happen...I mean Jeff...remember Hot or Not

Anonymous said...

what the heck...i totally thought that was robert...i wonder who is the Bizarro twin...robert or zac?