Sunday, July 29, 2007
3 on 3
Another aggressive event was when my darling Michelle looked over at me and in Chinese said, "man they are so short" Yours Truly almost had coffee snorted out of my nose. We were in Chinatown among hundreds of athletic chinese people. I think my adorable younger sister forgot that they all understood her.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Double Fisting Grandma'
Dear Avid Readers:
As most of you know, the official evites have been sent. Yours Truly has been doing some deep thinking about what it means to hit 30. I am afraid of the changes that might happen upon hitting this mysterious number we call 30. I wanted to share some of my concerns with you, my dear avid readers in hopes to better understand my own fears and concerns.
1. Will I still get that tingling feeling in my stomach when I get a text talking about "open bars?"
2. Can I still get away with ripped tights and hole-y shirts?
3. Will I lose my ability to enjoy unplanned excursions with only a pair of clean underwear as my suitcase
4. Could I still be a sacrificial lamb?
5. Will the term "grandma" become less hilarious but more realistic?
6. Will the terms: "Brutal & Triple O.C." still be used freely by me or about me?
7. Is my bra size going to decrease with the size of my panties increase?
8. Will I be referred to more frequently as Ms or Ma'am?
9. Will Happy Hours go from an all night extravaganza to literally an hour?
but most importanly,
10. Will I wake up one morning and know how to make casseroles and end having to cook all the time?
There it is dear avid readers. I hope you understand why Yours Truly is a little concerned at this moment in this particular year.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
New Additions
Dear Avid Readers: It has been way too long. Yours is Truly apologetic for not being better. It has been a busy but fun summer so far for Yours Truly. I wanted to let you, my dear avid readers, be introduced to the 2 newest members of Yours Truly's family.
Yours Truly will soon have a little nephew. The expected date is sometime in early December. We are all anxiously awaiting the arrival of little (these are currenlty the names in contention)As a proud-to-be-soon-aunt I am voting for #2.
- She is currently in Taiwan
- She thinks of herself as rice wine
- Her name rhymes with the Japanese Sushi Dish, Maki
And there it is Dear Avid Readers have yourselves an enjoyable day!
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
As it is the eve of the Birth of our nation, I wanted to send out a quick shout out to Miss America herself, the U. S. of A. To celebrate this joyous occasion Yours Truly will be spending the evening beneath the stars at Miss Mich's private roofdeck. In honor of this special night, Yours Truly has written a special something to honor the birth of this great nation.
I pledge allegiance to the deck of the United Republic of Michelle.
And to the roofdeck for which I'll stand;
one Nation under booze, intoxicated, with abandonment and recklessness for all!
Please be safe playing tonight Dear Avid Readers.
To Strike Again
The O.C.- Original Creature
Dear Avid Readers,
Much as the Amber Altert notifies parents of missing children, I want to send out to you, Dear Avid Readers, a Mermer Alert. For those of you who are unaware, back in 1984, a hard-working man named, Alan Bauer-NYC, was taken and kissed by one of these monstrous water creatures and never to return to land again. Although head detective
Walter Kornbluth tried catching this evil being, he failed to contain her and her wiley ways, and Alan disappeared with this creature we will call, Madison , 23 years ago and never to be seen again. Although some seafarers have said to have spotted a man that resembles Alan Bauer, no one has yet to get close enough to confirm whether it is actually indeed him.
Well, Dear Avid Readers, as Yours Truly was out wandering the streets of New York the other day, I spotted, yet another creature: similar in beauty, similar in her ways with men sitting on the ledge of a Coney Island Pier scouting for her next victim.
So, dear avid readers please pass on the Mermer Alert to all those you love and care about so that we dont' lose another Alan Bauer to this gorgeous, witty, lovable creature.