Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Day 2 of Diaries of a Co-Habitator

August 28, 2007

Dear Avid Readers,
Yours Truly has, yet another, tale for you as a co-habitator. As you know, The Boy and his brother have both moved in to my castle, my domain, my oasis in the bustling city of New York. Although, all in all, it has been fun and relaxing to live with people Yours Truly loves, there have been moments of absolute madness.

The other day Yours Truly came home after dinner out with some girlfriends to find the two brothers sitting quietly watching television. Usually, upon returning the two are in some loud quoting contest to see who can outquote the other. What Yours Truly learned was that the younger brother had just recently got into a fight with his girlfriend. Before I get into what had happened, please allow me to introduce you to all the characters involved by order of appearance.

Young Brother: a recently NYU graduate working at MTV and living in the bedroom next to Yours Truly and The Boy
The Boss: Young Brother's boss at MTV
The Girl: Young Brothers girlfriend of 2 years
The Kim: A Co-worker of Young Brother and a Cycle 5 contestant of ANTM. (America's Next Top Model)
Yours Truly: ME!!!
The Boy: Young Brothers older brother, boyfriend to Yours Truly, and workaholic.

Young brother was recently invited to The Boss's going away party that was to be held after work on a random Tuesday. Young Brother decided to ask The Girl to go with him to The Boss' going away party. A week before the party The Kim (which Young Brother has seen around the MTV offices but never really spoke to) asked Young Brother what he was doing later in the week and Young Brother said that he was attending The Boss' going away party. The Kim then asked Young Brother to grab a drink before the party started and Young Brother agreed. Upon returning home, Young Brother told The Girl of what happened and The Girl was extremely upset that Young Brother did not mention that he had a girlfriend. As Young Brother was explaining all this to me, I was listening whole-heartedly, however, I must admit I was also half wondering who this mystical "creature" from ANTM was and how Young Brother was so lucky to be working at MTV. After I provided some sound and sage-like advice I asked, so who is The Kim.
*********from this point forward it will only be quotes**************

Young Brother: "well she was on ANTM and she won a challenge and got to be on a show"
Yours Truly: "Uhmm...was it Veronica Mars?"
Young Brother: "yeah, i think so"
Yours Truly: "Uhmmm...does she have like short hair, her name is Kim and she's really spunky looking on Cycle 5?"
Young Brother: "well I don't know what season she was on but her name is Kim and she has shoulder length hair now, but did have short hair"

insert long, long, long pause of laughing and spitting up of whatever drink I had in my mouth

Yours Truly: "Kim Stolz is a loud, out, lesbian. I am pretty sure she really just wants to have a drink with you"
The Boy: "Way to break up with your girlfriend over a lesbian"
Yours Truly: "agressive, very agressive."

Long Story short, one should never assume that just because someone of the opposite sex asks your significant other out does it mean that they are hitting on them. The fact is they might just have a drinking problem and want to drink with as many people as possible.


Oscar's Mama said...

Did Jimmy and his girlfriend really break up? Doh!

Anonymous said...

No they didn't. john and i were just teasing him by saying,"way to break up with you girlfriend over a lesbian" they are doing well.

Michelle said...

this is HIlarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!